Planning: The Current Problems that arose because of the pandemic regarding online classes and assignment submission, student complains made us realize we are in need of a universal platform for handling the situation that will be responsive and can respond through ease of access to things like communication and engagement. Thus the initial planning for the App for Brac concept Arose.
Analysis : We held the analysis part in two ways one based on students complains online regarding what they want as a platform to transfer and another what in our limited ability we can deliver through a accessible software that can address the problem . An app with it’s user familiarities seemed more logical inspired by google classroom added more functionality to it.
Design: We wanted to do something that is already out there to understand and becomes user-friendly so the design was a mix of google classroom for online class work and whatsapp for communication with the university noticeboard digitalized in our application for the ease of getting notified.
Requirement analysis
Separate Faculty and Student Login/register system.
Faculty should be able to add /remove class contents.
Students should get an alert/notification for any assignments and exams.
Students should have task manager features.
Respective authority should have admin access for any changes necessary.
Use Case Diagram
Inline code: variable
Code block:
porridge = "blueberry"
if porridge == "blueberry":